Staying Open & Staying Receptive

Staying Open & Staying Receptive

Staying Open & Staying Receptive 1050 618 Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living

Staying Open & Staying Receptive

Rachel Rosen, RScP

While searching about for something to include in this month’s newsletter/blog, our SBCSL had a bombshell drop on it as our leaders fell away for various reasons.  I looked at all the options for how I felt or wished to respond, both inwardly and outwardly, and came upon a favorite book from my Practitioner studies:  Elegant Choices, Healing Choices, written by Marsha Sinclair.  There is much wisdom throughout its seven chapters, beginning with its introduction.  I’d like to quote two paragraphs from there which stand out:

We always…notice when we choose wisely. We also notice…when our choices go against our interior grain…we also reward and punish ourselves, each and every time, for our choices….by choosing to fight…for our best selves, for our privacy, for our well-being and self-respect…ultimately, love is our only answer. We must love ourselves, and forgive others–thus loving them—even when we see ourselves choosing as vulnerable, flawed beings. If we can simply accept ourselves when we know we have chosen unwisely, we can grow into fully human beings.

It is important to remember that good choices are ones made from a desire to uphold and support a living healthy spirit that wants to grow its own potential, not ones made from the boomerang effect of being confronted by scary people or situations, or from running away from the truth of our own being.  Our inner guide is always turned on; are our inner ears always listening?  And what is it that interferes most with listening?  Static!  What form of static is it that may catch you up in its web?  Reactivity?  Not owning your own strength and beauty and clarity?  Accepting another’s idea of who you are?  A sense of obligation?  A desire to finish what you started?  The list continues well beyond this page, and each one needs to be confronted by a deeper and very solid truth:  We are whole and complete; we are made of beauty and grace; we are beings fashioned from a Divine Source that is woven into the fabric of our being, that never abandons us, that sometimes whispers and sometimes thunders in our ears.  What is ours to do?  To do whatever we can to stay open and receptive to that voice so we may hear its soothing whisper of wisdom, and then follow our inner guidance to a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Now more than ever, I wish this for each and every one of us.  May wisdom,  lovingness and peace prevail and may we follow a true path for ourselves, for our beloved Jewel By The Sea, and for this world.

Rachel Rosen

Rachel Rosen, RScP

Rachel has been a member of the Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living since September 2001 and has been a licensed Practitioner for over ten years. She is committed to being an instrument for helping others in bringing forth their own highest and best Good, whatever that may be. Having retired first as a pianist and then a massage therapist, her desire is to inspire and engage others in their own unique spiritual inquiry through prayer and inspirational writings and teaching.

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