December Council Update

December Council Update

December Council Update 1025 618 Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living

December Council Update

Marjorie Wray, RScP, Council Chair

Dear Fellow Congregants
As we continue to live with COVID19, life has been very different for me. I cannot say that Ed and I were grateful that we chose not to go up to Northern California to visit relatives over Thanksgiving, as we usually do. I can however say that I am grateful to say that we chose to stay home and not add to the spreading of this very contagious virus. I am also very grateful for how our Ministers quickly made use of Zoom and Facebook Live to provide community, albeit not in person.

I would like to give a big shout-out to the pledge drive committee – Cindy Stevens, Gina Overholt, and myself with the support of Rev Nicole and Rev Michael. We managed to put together a successful Pledge Drive under difficult circumstances. We received pledges of a little over $80,000 and for that, I would like to thank all the congregants who pledged their support to our “Jewel by the Sea.” In fact, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to all of you who continue to financially support our Center. We could not do it without you.

Our Council continues to work diligently to deal with the loss of rental income and reduced weekly donations, as we move through this difficult time. I am so proud of how we have hung together through Zoom Services, Informal Mingle, Soul Sisters, Men’s Group, Book Club and so much more. We have an amazing center and it is my privilege to be a part of it.

Much Love,

Marjorie Wray
Chair of the Leadership Council

Marjorie Wray, RScP

Marjorie Wray has been in the Science of Mind community since 1985 when she started attending Huntington Beach CSL. In 2015, she joined Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living, bringing her Practitioner License she’s held since 2012. Marjorie has extensive leadership experience in key areas that help keep our center running smoothly. From leading the Usher Teams, coordinating fund raisers and events, to serving on the SBCSL Leadership Council as Chair, Marjorie makes herself available to serve in whatever capacity she can that will assist those around her in community and personal growth. With a BA in Education an MA in Psychology, 18 years of experience teaching Financial Planning, and more, Marjorie brings her professional expertise and spiritual principles together to serve through one of her greatest strengths; “to see the bigger picture and integrate the pieces”.

(Featured Photo used in the blog by Sacha Styles on Unsplash)

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